Chapter 11: Day and Night
As a child, Estée Preda made a regular habit of looking out the window, silently watching as one season slowly morphed into the next. She was read Hans Christian Andersen and Brothers Grimm every night by her mother who had narrowly escaped the Iron Curtain… an often-eerie routine made all the merrier by a grandmother prone to night terrors residing just across the hall. Now it only makes sense that the worlds Estée creates should lie at the crossroads somewhere in-between those same ethereal seasons, fantastical fairy tales and pure nocturnal fright. We are proud to bring the dreamy pedigree of this emerging Montreal-based artist to Stance for an all-new collection.
"When I created these paintings for Stance, I was living in a cabin in the woods and I would spend a lot of time outside, especially after dark. One night, as I was walking through the woods, I noticed that there were hundreds of salamanders and frogs crawling all around me. I'd never seen anything like it. It was just so magical. And the next day, I painted my first design, "Night of the Salamander". That inspiration carried over to my second design, "Butterflies in the Strawberry Patch", which I see as a kind of daytime sister companion to "Salamander".